Managed Folder Mailbox Policies
- If an item is marked as past rention and then it is moved into another folder with a policy that is greater than the original folder setting, will the new folder policy see that the item is marked as past retention and delete the email even though the
actual date is not past the retention period.
July 11th, 2011 11:03pm
A mailbox item moved from one folder to another inherits any tags applied to the folder to which it's moved. If an item is moved to a folder that doesn't have a tag assigned, the DPT is applied to it. If the item has a tag explicitly assigned to it, the
tag always takes precedence over any folder-level tags or the default tag. So in your case it will assign new retention of new folder.
Anil MCC 2011,ITIL V3,MCSA 2003,MCTS 2010, My Blog :
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July 12th, 2011 5:40am
Thanks for the response, I did not mention in my question that we are using an Exchange 2007 server so does this mean the same would apply?
If an item was marked as past retention and then was subsequently moved to another folder that had a longer retention policy on it, would that email be deleted whne the message assitant next ran on the users mailbox.
Original retention policy is set to mark as past retention following 90 days, we will be modifing this to delete the email shortly. The user will likely move the email to a folder that is going to be set for deletion after 3 years. Will the fact
that the email is already set as past retention cause the messaging agent to delete the email rather than wait until the email is past the 3 year period.
I hope that this makes sense as this is the best I can explain it.
Thanks for your responses
July 12th, 2011 4:01pm
After our test, we found that after you move the email to another folder the original policy will be remove from the email.
Here's the document from Technet :
Hope it helps.Best Regards!
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July 31st, 2011 9:33pm