Management Console and Shell Can Not Connect! Help
I am not sure what happened. I have been trying to get outlook to connect through the external domain name and now I can not access the EMC or shell.I get the following error:Exception setting "ViewEntireForest": "Active Directory server exch01.domain.localis not available. Error message: A local error occurred."At C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\bin\Exchange.ps1:19 char:32+ $global:AdminSessionADSettings.V <<<< iewEntireForest = $falsePlease help!!!
September 15th, 2009 6:09am
Hi,When did the error occur?When you open EMC or EMS?Where did you open EMC/EMC,from Exchange Server or client computer?Inside the network?Please check event 2080 and then post here.Besides,please install Windows support Tool on computerthat have EMC/EMSand the run dcdiag /s:domaincontroller /v and then post the output hereRegards,Xiu
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September 16th, 2009 9:15am