Manual remove exchange 2007
Hi Can anyone help with a guide for manual removal of CAS and HUB role, just like this to Mailbox role.... It should be mentioned is not the last exchange in the organization ! Regards Mark
December 9th, 2008 4:06pm

What error do you get when you try to uninstall the roles via Add/Remove Programs on the respective server?
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December 9th, 2008 7:59pm

That it can not read/write the metabase. IIS is completely destroyed, Microsoft PSS gave up the matter, and we moved it all to a new server, and must now have the old one removed manual.
December 9th, 2008 10:50pm

Ok if you have absolutely no way of removing it via the Exchange 2007 Setup wizard, you could delete the server object in ADSI Edit as per the steps in that thread you referred to. But be careful and make sure you delete the right server object.
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December 9th, 2008 11:27pm

ok, there is nothing else to be done when it also runs CAS and HUB, the guide describes only mailbox server, what is paragraph 7 of the Wizard good for?
December 10th, 2008 1:13am

Since most HT and CAS related configurationare stored in AD, then no not really. You may want to check which source serveris specifiedon anysend connectors you may have. Also be aware that receive connectors are stored on the server-level, so if you made any customizations to those, you must re-configure them. Same applies to CAS vdirs etc.
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December 10th, 2008 1:19am

Yes, please check the SourceTransportServers parameter by using Get-SendConnector This article may help
December 10th, 2008 12:58pm

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