MapiExceptionLowLevelInitializatio nFailure
Hi all, I am running Windows XP SP3 with the Exchange 2007 (x86) Exchange Management Tools installed. I have VB.NET (2008) project underway that invokes a Powershell subprocess using standard procedures found on the web. Generally it works very well. I have successfully invoked the following PS commands and returned their results:Enable and Disable-MailboxNew-MailboxGet-UserGet-MailUserGet-MailboxEnable and Disable-MailUser But when I try Get-MailboxStatistics I get: MapiExceptionLowLevelInitializationFailure: Unable to load exrpc32.dll or one of its dependent DLLs (extrace.dll, exchmem.dll, msvcr80.dll, etc.)All commands work perfectly in the Exchange Management Shell.I've read the thread on the Web between "Mathias", "Karl Mitschke" and "SvenC" but it just ends with no resolution.Here's the Function: Function RunExchCommand(ByVal PSCommand As Command) As IEnumerable Dim RunSpace As Runspace Dim RsConfig As RunspaceConfiguration Dim SnapInInfo As PSSnapInInfo Dim warning As PSSnapInException = New PSSnapInException() Dim Results As IEnumerable RsConfig = RunspaceConfiguration.Create SnapInInfo = RsConfig.AddPSSnapIn("Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin", warning) If Not IsNothing(warning) Then MsgBox("Error loading Exchange 2007 Management shell" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & warning.Message) RunExchCommand = Nothing Exit Function End If RunSpace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(RsConfig) RunSpace.Open() Dim MyPipeLine As Pipeline = RunSpace.CreatePipeline() MyPipeLine.Commands.Add(PSCommand) Try Results = MyPipeLine.Invoke() Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Information) Results = Nothing End Try RunExchCommand = Results End FunctionHere's the calling code snippet: MyCommand = New Command("Get-MailboxStatistics") MyCommand.Parameters.Add("Identity", sDN)'' It dies at this next command'' There's nothing here that I have not done elsewhere except the actual PS command itself' PSResults = DirectCast(RunExchCommand(MyCommand), IList) MBXStats = DirectCast(PSResults(0), PSObject) If DirectCast(Mailbox.Properties("HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled").Value, Boolean) Then Hidden_chk.Checked = True End If If DirectCast(Mailbox.Properties("UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults").Value, Boolean) Then MBXDefaults_chk.Checked = True Else Warning_tbox.Text = Mailbox.Properties("IssueWarningQuota").Value.ToString NoSend_tbox.Text = Mailbox.Properties("ProhibitSendQuota").Value.ToString NoSendRec_tbox.Text = Mailbox.Properties("ProhibitSendReceiveQuota").Value.ToString End IfNeedless to say any help would be greatly appreciated.--Tim.
October 29th, 2009 4:01pm
You may want to ask this in dev instead:
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October 29th, 2009 4:13pm
Thanks I'll try there as well.
October 29th, 2009 4:20pm
(just trying to understand for etiquette) How is this "answered"? It was a suggestion to try asking elsewhere. I have no solution and no indication there may or may not even be a solution.
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
October 30th, 2009 3:54pm
Hi tmunro55,
Did you found the solution? I faced this same problem on my W2003 server (32bit) where I'm running my management tool web site.
August 20th, 2010 4:06pm
Answered in this case would mean that this specific thread has resolution. When you create a new thread in the Dev group, that would then have to be "answered".
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August 20th, 2010 4:15pm
Sometimes people found the answer, but does not update the thread because they are busy with the solution. In case he has found the solution and he has set alert when there is updates in his thread, I might get the answer soon. But of course I would like
to start just a new thread in case someone knows the answer in a Dev forum, as the tmunro55 has not opened it.
August 20th, 2010 9:53pm
I did repost this in the dev forum as soon as it was suggested, and so far have had 0 (zero) responses. Here's the URL to the post:
-- Tim
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
August 21st, 2010 10:40pm