Meeting request accept decline buttons are grayed
Hi,My question is that can we send a meeting request to any contact which is created in the AD. The Scenario is we have 2 forests and 2 exchange servers no trust between them we have created contacts in both forests of their users vise versa we send email to each other via contacts suppose if we have to send email to other forest so exchange first search this user's mailbox in the same organization if it couldnt find but it found the contact of the user which is created in ad then hub server route this email to another forest through send connectornow emails routing is fine but when we send a meeting request to another forest the user recieve email but buttons are grayed out but if we send email from out side which drops directly to that users mailbox from internet the buttons are not grayed out my question is that is this normal may be it is not supported to send meeting request to contacts.RegardsSKHATRI
July 21st, 2009 2:45pm
Do they get it as Plain text? did you tried by sending it as Icalendar? I guess you are running the ex2007 server and also let us know the overview of exchange environment
|CCNA|MCSE 2003 +Messaging|MCTS|ITIL V3|
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July 21st, 2009 4:06pm
no i have not used icalender peoples are using outlook 2007 calender for meeting requests. In our head quarters we have 2 forests one forest have Ex2007 another forest has ex2003. The scenario is simple we have created users' contacts for each forests due to this if exchange doesnt find any AD user but if it sees the contact of the user exchange send email to the contact email id through send connector.Would you please just let me know that is it normal that if we send meeting request to contact but they can not accept it. Because on the same id if i send email directly from gmail they can accept it but when ever send on the contact the recipeint can not accept it because button is not enabledReagrds,SKHATRI
July 21st, 2009 4:16pm
I guess it is somewhere the conversion issue between sender and recipient server. I am researching on same. i will update you
|CCNA|MCSE 2003 +Messaging|MCTS|ITIL V3|
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July 21st, 2009 4:20pm
what is icalender is it available for download? or the icalender is included in Outlook 2007 if it is included how we can use icalenderthanx alot for researching on my caseSKHATRI
July 21st, 2009 4:21pm
it is inbuilt fucntionality of outlook. Compose new Meeting request in normal method then click on forward and send it as Icalendar.
|CCNA|MCSE 2003 +Messaging|MCTS|ITIL V3|
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July 21st, 2009 4:34pm
i checked this option but still the sameSKHATRI
July 21st, 2009 4:57pm
Hi,Sorry for the delay response.First, I would like to confirm whether the internal meeting request had this issue. Then, please open EMC, expand Organization Configuration, hightlight Hub Transport, in the Remote Domains, double click Default, in the Format of original message sent as attachment to journal report tab, please ensure Determined by individual user settings is checked under Exchange rich-text format.On the sender Outlook, please check: On the Tools menu, click Options, click the Mail Format tab, in the Internet Format box, click "Send using Outlook Rich Text format", click OK and then click Save and Close. After that, please let the sender send a test meeting request to the contact to check whether the issue persists.If still existing, please find the meeting request on thecontact's mailbox, and send the message header to me at v-allson@microsoft.comAdditionally, I suggest we enabled pipeline tracing by running the following command and also send it to me.Set-TransportServer Exchange server name -PipelineTracingSenderAddress UserB@ -Pipelinetracingpath C:\Trace -PipelineTracingEnabled $TrueHow to Enable Pipeline Tracing
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July 27th, 2009 12:35pm