Meeting requests issue in exchange 2010
We have exchange 2010 setup with outlook 2010 client Issue is for most of the users meeting request is getting missed from their mailbox and they wont be able to see in both outlook or OWA, After some time means a day or so meeting request will appear in the outlook but with that current that time not with the time of meeting request which has been sent Example: if i send a MR on Apr 27, 2012 with schedule for teh same day meeting request will be missing and it will appear on next day with Apr 28, 2012 date As it is happening for multiple users, please let us know if any suggestions is there to check this issue
April 27th, 2012 10:18am

Hi How about the Check Steps on the below thread "Outlook 2010 meeting request not on calendar - shows up as rich text message in calendar folder" Cheers Zi Feng Zi Feng TechNet Community Support
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April 30th, 2012 2:50am

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