Messages not being delivered
I have a user that is not receiving some emails. It is very intermittent and only appears to happen from senders inside the organization. Is there anyway that I can track the process from the sender to it being delivered? Any other quick tips to look for? I am running Exchange 2007 and this user is running Outlook 2007. Tested so far: - Checked the message queue but haven't seen anything. - Send message to multiple recipients and this user won't receive the message but others will. - check with To: and Cc: - Checked to see if attachements were causing issue - Check to see if subject made a difference - They are not showing in junk - He does not have anyone added to "block sender" list.
July 4th, 2009 9:05pm
Have you opened up the Exchagne Management Console, navigated to Toolbox and run the Message Tracking tool? If the sender and recipient are both internal, you should be able to completely track the message in question.Jim McBee - Blog -
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July 5th, 2009 2:22am
Ok, I think I need a little help going through this tool. On June 26 at 8:31 I know that "A" sent a message to "B" (it shows up in A's outbox but does not show up in B's inbox). After selecting correct "Receipients" (B), "Sender" (A), and a start and finish time that would capture the email, I see two things in the output. This is the command (emails were removed for privacy).
get-messagetrackinglog -Recipients: [B] -Sender[A] -Start "6/26/2009 8:15:00 AM" -End "6/26/2009 8:50:00 AM"
Timestamp, EventID, ect...2009/06/26 08:30:44, RECEIVE,2009/06/26 08:30:44, DELIVER,Are these the only entries I should be seeing? If I take the bottom entry to mean that the message has been delivered, what else can I do to find out why it is not in Outlook?
July 6th, 2009 6:54pm
The displayed result is normal. So it can be a client side issue, have you tried OWA? Please close your Outlook and check email via OWA, see if the issue can be reproduced.
Please check if there is any hidden rules in your Outlook according to the following article:
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July 7th, 2009 12:00pm