Microsoft Access 2003
Our small staff is undergoing reorganization and I have no one here who knows how to use Microsoft Access 2003, myself included. I am trying to query and filter a table so that I can print address labels for a bulk mailing to selected individuals. The
query part seems to go OK, using the simple Query Wizard. I get a datasheet of the table's entire database that has the criteria (fields) I selected and has checkmarks in the fields' boxes when an individual matches a criterion, such as having donated
money in 2012 or having attended our annual luncheon in 2012. I'm running into problems when I try to filter that list to eliminate individuals who don't match a single one of the filter criteria and leave in the list individuals who matche at least
one of the criteria. When I go to the "Records" drop down menu and go to "filter by form," I can't find a way to filter in a way that selects people who meet criteria 1 or criteria 2 or criteria 3, etc. The filter gives me only people
who match ALL of the checked criteria (fields). I don't know if I'm using the appropriate options for the query or the filtering, and, if so, how to execute the filtering properly.
July 11th, 2013 2:26pm
You need to post Access user issues in the Access user forums. This forum is for administrative scripting and not for Office applications user help.
Try here:
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
July 11th, 2013 2:58pm
OK. Sorry for the inconvenience. Microsoft help person gave me the link
July 11th, 2013 3:10pm