Microsoft Exchange POP3 service started and then stopped
I am trying to configure POP3 for an ERP system to send pages for alerts. Maybe some of you are familiar with IBM iSeries?? Anyways, This is a machine that needs to send pages. All of this is internal, so i'm assuming a don't need to specifically configure a receive connector? Anyways, I configured the POP3 from the Exchange Management CONSOLE. I enabled the IP addresses I need to be able to send a POP3 email. I went to restart the POP3 service on my Client Access server and I get the following message:"The Microsoft Exchange POP3 service on [SERVER] started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or programs."I am getting a 'POP3 server [SERVER] not responding' message from my IBM iSeries system . I believe it is because the POP3 service gives me the above message.ANy help would be appreciated.Maybe my POP3 isn't working on my IBM applications because of the following:We have 3 servers in our Exchange 2007 organization - ONe mailbox sever, one hub-transport, and one-client access. We have DNS setup - as our mail server that resolves to the hub-transport server. So, on my IBM application, i use as the mail server - does exchange somehow automatically know to get the POP3 settings from the client-access server or is there some sort of connector that needs to be setup? I wasn't think i needed a receive connector because this is all internal. Anyways, would it be better to setup POP3 on my hub-transport server instead? Is that even possible/supported?thanks,Zach
Zach Smith
September 9th, 2009 10:00pm
What I don't understand is how did configuring POP3 go from being so simple and easy to configure in Exchange 2003 to being not intuitive at all in Exchange 2007. what I mean is this:Ex 2003 to configure pop3:Administrative Groups - [NAME] - Servers - [SERVER] - Protocols - POP3 - Default POP3 Virtual Server - RIGHT-CLICK and select propertiesGeneral tab - this is what i consider to be the 'Binding' tab of the Exchange 2007 versionMessage format tab - this is what i consider to be the Retrieval Settings tab in Exchange 2007Calendaring - don't careAccess tab in Exchange 2003 - WHERE is this setup in Exchange 2007? I only need 2 IP addresses to be able to send POP3 emails. The ACCESS tab in Exchange 2003 is exactly that. Where is this information and how does it get configured in Exchange 2007?I figured out my problem described above. In Ex 2007, the binding tab needs the IP of the local machine (duh it says it there) but I was putting the IP addresses of the two servers that I want to allow POP3 emails to originate. So ofcourse the service didn't start. I changed that back to the server of my exchange client-access server - but now i need to configure WHO can send POP3 emails. I don't want that open to 'the whole world' just two internal servers who will need to send internal emails via POP3. Any help is appreciated.Zach
Zach Smith
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September 10th, 2009 12:03am
Hi,Whether the IBM Application just sending the email to internal users or also including the external users? If it's only used to send the internal email, please check the Anonymou users option under Permission Groups on the Client Receive Connector.Additionally, on IBM Application, you should specify the Hub Transport Server as the receiving server to send the email rather than mailbox server.If the IBM Application also is used to send the email to the external users, we need to open the relay permission and specify only the IP address of IBM Application to be connected on the Receive Connector.You can refer to the below article to give the relay permission for the Receive Connector.
September 14th, 2009 9:34am
Thanks for the information. After thinking about what my process is - i am indeed sending external mail - i'm sending email to a cell phone number so the cell phone gets a text message with an alert from the IBM application. So here is what i've done - and these changes didn't work.-Created a 'custom' receive connector 'POP3_iSeries'.-the FQDN specified is the HT server name-the Network tab has all local interfaces for port 25 and 110-the remote ip's are the ip addresses of the IBM 'applications'-Authentication I have Basic and Exchange-server-Permission Groups I have Anonymous and Exchange-ServersI still get a timeout error that the POP3 host is not responding. What would be the best way I can test to see if my pop3 is working so I dont have to keep goign to the operations employees and have them test their system to verify that POP3 works. I figured if pop3 works for me testing, then it should work for them. What would be the best way to test that POP3? also, do I need to make any changes like restart any services after configuring the receive connecdtor? I know the POP3 service on the client-access server needs to be restarted, but what about restarting anything after creating the receive-connector. Also, since my client-access and hub-transport server are two different physical machines, do I need to specify the ip address of the client access server anywhere in the receive connector properties?thanks,ZachZach Smith
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
September 14th, 2009 11:06pm
Hi,From your operation, I understand that you select the Option 2 in the above article to give the relay permission for the Receive Connector. I would like to confirm whether you run the below command to set the relay permission:Get-ReceiveConnector "CRM Application" | Add-ADPermission -User "NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON" -ExtendedRights "ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Any-Recipient"Generally speaking, 110 is used to download message for the POP service. Since the IBM Application is just to send the email not download the email, you don't need to specify the 110 port. In fact, to specify which port is used to send the email is determined by the IBM Application. Please first confirm which port is used to send the email for the IBM Application. If it is 25, please just set 25 port in the Network tab.To test whether that is working, please telnet FQDN (Hub server) 25, then try to send the message from the IBM Application., please restart Microsoft Exchange Transport service after doing the configuration on the Receive Connector.ThanksAllen
September 15th, 2009 5:51am
Allen,I am indeed using option 2. I did run the Get-ReceiveConnector.... command on my new receive connector. The receive connector I made was a 'custom' Should I have used 'client' instead - does that part even matter?Anyways, the IBM applications is using port 110. I will try testing from a telnet and see if this works. Do I need to add my client-access and mailbox server in the permissions for the receive connector?I will let you know how the testing is going today.Zach Smith
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
September 15th, 2009 6:47pm
When doing a 'telnet ' 110' - I get a 4.3.2 Service Not available, closing transmission channel. If I use port 25, it works. But that is expected. I need to be able to telnet into port 110. I'll check anti-virus and the settigns on the receive connecter and post any findings. If you have any suggestions, please feel free.thanks,ZachZach Smith
September 15th, 2009 6:54pm
So telnet into my Client Access server on port 110 works. But Telnet into Hub Transport (as you suggested) does not work. Should I be able to telnet into the Hub Transport server using port 110? When I telnet into Client Access on port 110 I get a Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 POP3 service ready message.ZachZach Smith
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
September 15th, 2009 6:56pm
So here is what I got:Using my Exchange 2003 Environment (i'm trying to migrate from 2003 to 2007. I just have these few POP3 accounts and i'm done)telnet - 110user userpass passuser logged in OK+listretr message nummberUsing my exchange 2007 environment:telnet 110421 4.3.2 Service not available, closing transmission channeltelnet 110+OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 POP3 service readyuser userpass pass+OK User successfully logged on.listretr message numberSo basically, it works with Exchange 2003 and it works when I telnet into my ClientAccess server. On my IBM application, I specify my HubTransport server as the mail server and it doesn't work - but that makes sense since I cannot telnet into my Hub Transport server on a POP3 port. I CAN telnet into my Hub Transport server using port 25So how do I get the port 110 to respond on my hub transport server? If I figure anything else out, i'll post.Thanks,ZachZach Smith
September 15th, 2009 8:15pm
OK - so here is what i've found out now:On the IBM application what is happening is an alert gets sent out via SMTP. AFter X minutes - if the userID who got the alert doesn't respond - they get the same alert again. The IBM applications retrieves the original message via POP3. So, I specified my Hub Transport server for the mail server for the SMTP part of this alert and specified the Client Access server as the mail server for the POP3 part. This is acceptable. If it is possible to specify the Hub Transport as both the SMTP and POP3 server, that would be better because then I could have 1 DNS entry for to resolve to my Hub server. this would also keep me from changing each alert account on the IBM application. So, how do I telnet into my Hub Transport server using port 110? Can I install the POP3 service on the HT server? If this is not possible, then described above will be satisfactory. Thanks for the help.ZachZach Smith
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
September 15th, 2009 9:36pm
Hi,Thank you for your information.Now I would like to give a summary on this issue:IBM application first needs to send the alert to the clients and will send it again if the clients don't respond. Meanwhile, the IBM application also needs to retrieves the original message via POP3.First, please understand that the POP3 service only running on the Client Access Server, so it's not possible to specify the Hub server for POP3 server.Thus, we have to use the 110 port on the Client Access server for POP3and use 25 port on the Hub server to do the SMTP.ThanksAllen
September 16th, 2009 5:31am