Microsoft Expressions Serial Key
Hello, I plan on having my entire computer wiped, including my Microsoft Expressions Web software, BUT I plan to reinstall it.
The problem is, it that I cannot find my serial key that I used to activate the program and I was wondering if there is anyway to check what that serial key is from Microsoft Expressions Web?
August 11th, 2008 8:44pm
I think there is no way tocheck it out from software. As this is Exchange forum, I suggest you contact our Customer Servicefor this issue.
Microsoft Customer Service (800) 426-9400 is available Monday through Friday, from 6:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. pacific time.
Note: Microsoft Customer Service mainly handles issues regarding replacement manuals, disks, drivers and service packs, product IDs, or lost CD-keys, product orders, policies related to copying software on additional computers, licensing, and product registration.
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August 13th, 2008 5:55am