Microsoft Forefront End-point protection on Exchange Servers?
I want to protect different Exchange 2007 Server roles from viruses and spywares etc. We are already running forefront security for Exchange but it only works to clean emails. We are considering to use Microsoft forefront end point protection to protect
files and OS on Exchange servers. What is experts opinion on this and how can we do this? I believe there are some specific instructions for this.....
September 23rd, 2011 10:14am
You should check for right directory and process exclusion on your mail server. It depeds on Exchange server role. For Exchange 2007 you could read
Recommended file and folder exclusions for Microsoft Forefront Client Security or Forefront Endpoint Protection 2010
If you don't configure exclusion on your file level antivirus software, in the worst-case scenario you will get curupt database on your mail server.
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September 23rd, 2011 12:10pm