Hi all,
I am trying to setup a single sign on for my sharepoint site that came with Office365. I have setup ADFS in my machine and I have installed Azure Active Directory Module for Windows Powershell.
My environment looks like this:
My office365 domain: sxy.onmicrosoft.com
Sharepoint Online: sxy.sharepoint.com
The domain that my machine is connected to is
I'm getting stuck running the cmdlet to convert my domain to a federated domain. Powershell Module is installed on the same machine that ADFS is installed on. I will walk you through the cmdlets that I'm trying to run:
$cred=Get-Credential (I am entering my credentials for my Office365 account )
Set -MSOLService -Credential $cred
Convert -MSOLDomainToFederated -DomainName sxy.onmicrosoft.com
I'm getting an error saying:
Convert-MsolDomainToFederated: You cannot convert the specified domain to use identity federation because the account you are currently signed in with is a member of the domain sxy.onmicrosoft.com. Please sign in to the service using an account that is a member of the company administrators role and is not part of the domain sxy.onmicrosoft.com, and then try again.
I tried replacing <sxy.onmicrosoft.com> with all possible domains that I listed above(micromania.com, sxy.sharepoint.com) for which I get an error saying "The domain name does not exist."
I am confused and I don't know what domain name I should replace <sxy.onmicrosoft.com> with.
So,would very much appreciate your help.