Microsoft Word 2013 Font Problem
Hi, I have a Microsoft surface RT and it comes with office 2013, the problem is that is only comes with 32gb hard drive and all the windows updates have been filling it up and I still need room for my school work. So I was dumb and thought of ways I could
delete some unnecessary things like fonts. I went to the fonts page and deleted some Arabic ones and some other fonts I thought I wouldn't ever use in my life BUT....when I try to open word and only word it says "C:\\Programa Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\wwlib.dll
is not designed to run on this computer or it contains an error". HOW DO I GET THE FONTS BACK
May 17th, 2015 10:31am
As far as I know, the Microsoft surface RT is used Windows 8/8.1 RT and Office 2013 RT version. They are different with pc version. Thus, I recommend we follow this article to restore the Windows RT 8/8.1. It would recover the fonts.
In additional, if you have further question, I recommend you post the question to Surface RT forum:
George ZhaoTechNet Community Support
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May 17th, 2015 10:45pm