Migration from Exchange 2000 to Exchange 2007
deal all,we are recently deploying Exchange server 2000 and now we want to shift to Exchange 2007.i have tested Exchange server 2007 which is great to deal and i am successfully deploy internall ,means internall all services including ,pop3,IMAP4,owa and even back up(.pst) are working.but my real problem is mail sending to outsidesi have hub transport rule also and i also make send conector using DNS "MX" record to route the mailsbut i am not succeded yet. Migration is not problem becz i didnot want migration from exchange 2000 to exchange 2007.My only issue to send mail to outsidesplease help me to sort this issues. i feel pleasure if some one help me with snap shots.
April 23rd, 2009 11:01am
Did you create the send connector on Exchange 2007? Is it using a SmartHost or DNS? what is the cost of the send connector? If it is greater then the Exchagen 2000 send connector it will not go out through Exchange 2007. What about the RGC between 2007 and 2000? Did you allow the Hub Transport server the ability to send outside the org through the firewall if one is in place? BP
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April 23rd, 2009 5:24pm
hi,did you make your exchange server 2007 master in the routing groups - first routing group - members.there must be all of your exchange servers here. and please assign master role to your Exchange Server 2007 and then try again to send mail from exchange server 2007.regardsExchange - MVP | www.cozumpark.com | www.mumincicek.com
April 23rd, 2009 8:48pm
Issue description: Mail cant be sent externally
Check info:
1. Please describe more details of exchange topology
2. Does the internal mail flow work normally between exchange 2000 and exchange 2007?
3. Can the mail be sent from internet to exchange? Please try to telnet for testing
4. Is there any NDR generated if the message has failed to deliver?
5. Please use message tracking to monitor the test message, see the NDR is generated on which server. If the test mail stuck in the queue, please use queue viewer to check the message
6. Please use Mail Flow Troubleshooter to troubleshoot the issue
Message Routing in a Coexistence Environment
Coexisting with Exchange Server 2003 and Exchange 2000 Server
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April 28th, 2009 6:47am
Hi, Visit the URL below for the screenshots you need on creating a send connector bound to internet. http://www.petri.co.il/configuring-exchange-2007-send-connectors.htm Just make sure you know who will route your emails (Example: Appliance/Software base SMTP GATEWAY, ISP/DNS/MX, Edge Transport Server). regards, LRMCP
April 28th, 2009 1:16pm