Missing Distribution Groups in EMC
We are running Exchange 2010 SP1 and two different locations and have recently noticed that a number of Universal distribution groups are missing in EMC and also do not show up the the GAL. The same groups DO show up in Active directory. This seems like
a communications issue between AD and Exchange. I'm not sure which direction to go here and any help would be appreciated.
June 3rd, 2011 3:25pm
First ensure that AD replication is working and there is no replication latency.
Not showing up in GAL
Could be because users are in cached mode, and OAB is out of date.
Not showing up in EMC
Make sure that there are filters in EMC.
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June 3rd, 2011 7:16pm
1.where are you seraching in the EMC. Try to mail enable an existing universal group and see if you can see these.
2. Are they mail enabled? Checl the groups on AD/adsi edit for mail attributes
3. Check to see if they are hidden from the GALSukh
June 4th, 2011 12:53am
1. Under Distribution group in Recipient Configuration
2. The majority of them are not, is it needed for Universal distribution groups?
3. They are not hidden from the GAL.
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June 4th, 2011 2:02am
Yes, convert oneSukh
June 4th, 2011 3:14am