Missing application in Vista
I am not able to use links from Windows mail to go to the internet. I kep getting a message 'APPLICATIONS NOT FOUND' Alsoshortcuts on downloaded software does not respond or link me to the net when clicking onthem.
I don't knw what I am suppos to look for to repair this.
any ideas?
July 9th, 2008 3:19pm
Sonds like the default application used to open .htm .html links is pointing to an browser that is no longer installed/available. These are the instrucitons for Widnows XP, but should be same/close for Visa:
From Windows Explorer, select Tools, Folder Options. Select 'File Types' tab, and scroll down to HTM and HTML. Associate file to open with Internet Explorer.
IE, usually checks each time it opens to see if it is the default browser. If you are in the habit of installing new browsers, you may have picked one that turned this feature off.
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July 11th, 2008 8:27pm