Missing email after server problems
Hi All,I just had one of my 4 exchange 2003 servers crash, for some reason the mail store and system admin adn MTA services where not starting....the routing groups services was started.Anyway what happened was that, the remote bridge head was still sending all mail to this server and for some reason this server was recieving all the mail as if nothing was wrong, but now after sorting the mail store problem out, I can't find any of the emails that were transfered to this server during that time that the store was down.Does anyone have any idea where these emails are cos they definitely didn't go into the store/users mailboes.Please help...........Regards,
May 7th, 2007 10:05am
If you where connecting a non-smtp mailserver to Exchange the mail would end up in a gateway mailbox in the information store on the server. If you are connecting a SMTP server to Exchange, the mail would end up in the mailroot folder of the virtual server accepting the email.
In both cases you would see the mails in the queue viewer. Open the Exchange system manager and drill down to the server > queues.
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May 9th, 2007 9:38am