Move-DatabasePath & Forefront for Exchange
Hi All,
I'm preparing to move one of my existing mailbox databases from one local disk to another (larger) using Move-DatabasePath. Because I am also running Forefront Protection for
Exchange on this server, is there anything special I need to do with Forefront in order to prepare to successfully move this database? Will FF automatically discover the new settings after the DB is moved and mounted? Does FF have any hooks into the database
that will prevent it from being moved?
Thanks for your insight!
July 25th, 2011 10:30am
From my experience with FF and Exch, I've always 'un-hooked' it from the Exch before doing the move or even upgrading FF. I would un-hook it and then move the edb database.
Th 'hooking' stuff is jmore around the transport layer as most have configured for this, butif you have scanning from your edb , myou may want to verify the settings after the move.
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July 25th, 2011 10:35am
Forefront Protection for Exchange scans the mailbox databases via API - not file location. You can move the Exchange Databases without telling FPE.
Mike Crowley | MVP
My Blog --
Planet Technologies
July 26th, 2011 11:24pm
Or you can create a temp mailbox database and test it.
Frank Wang
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
July 26th, 2011 11:31pm