Moving mailboxes, public folders, etc
I currently have an Exch 2003 on a physical server that is up for replacement and will be replacing it. We have just started to virtualize servers and plan to create a new VM of Exch 2003 and move all data to the new server.Can anyone give me some direction on the best way to do this, I am just starting my research and so far the plan was to create the new server in the same site (not sure on the term) then migrate mailboxes and public folders to the new server.
I am not looking for someone who can put me in the right direction on which path to take.
A MS article mentioned moving databases or using the mailbox move task.
May 23rd, 2009 1:26am
Stunpals,I am not sure if you are using Virtual server for virutalization but if you are planning to move to VMWare I would like to take you through this article where Microsoft talks about its support policies for virtualization ( as far as moving the exchange server is concerned Microsoft has a very good article published for it. Exchange does not really understand if its running on a VM or on a physical box and the article applies for both situations. You can go ahead and follow the steps at it is a pretty good article that you may follow. I would not go with moving databases as far as I have a way to move everything is a procedural way. Daniel Petri has a good article on it to do it step by step let us know if you need any help.MMilind Naphade | MCTS:M |
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May 23rd, 2009 2:32am
hi,first you must create your new exchange server on virtual environment. after that is creted successfully you can move your databases to your new exchange on virtual environment.if you retail your physical exchange ;you must assign RUS services to new exchange server.replicate all the public folders to new exchange must assign your new exchange server for routing group master.for detailed information please look at ; wont run removeorg parameter (be carefully for this)regards,Mumin CICEK | Exchange - MVP | |
May 23rd, 2009 5:27am
Thanks both of you for the replies, I will read your suggested articles and start my process.
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May 25th, 2009 6:11pm