MsExchangeIS not starting error code 0x8004010f
I'm having a problem which i have some difficulties to solve.
I'm doing a migration from Ex2003 in standalone to Ex2007 in HA architecture (2CAS/Hub with NLB, 2 MBX in SCC Exchange cluster)
The first part of the deployement was easy :
I've done all the preparing steps (LegacyExchangePermission/Schema/AD/Domain)
I've installed the first two CAS/Hub with no problem
I've set the MSCS cluster for the 2 node of the Mailbox cluster with no problem, i can toggle ressources group from one to the other correctly
But when i've done exchange installation on the first node, the troubles begun...At the end of the installation, i'm having an error with this code (Exception de HRESULT : 0x80071736) no other explanation.
After a little search on my server i've found that the MsexchangeIS was not running, tried to bring it running et voila errors came up :
Event Type: Error
Event Source: MSExchangeIS
Event Category: General
Event ID: 1121
Error 0x8004010f connecting to the Microsoft Active Directory.
Event Type: Error
Event Source: MSExchangeIS
Event Category: General
Event ID: 5000
Unable to initialize the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service. - Error 0x8004010f.
I have check the READ permission of the Authenticated users in the "DC=domain,DC=com" and "CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=com" container yet, Aswell i have check that the everyone group have Read access to the WellKnow security entities.
I've also checked my default email adress policy and the heritance of rights for Exchange objects and Exchange group objects.
I've alos checked the membership for the exchange server and that the name of the organization was not containing forbiden caracters (orga's name is SIEGE)
Did a lot of dcdiag on all my DC with no problem as it is for the replication validation between my DCs
At this point I don't have any further idea to find a way to troubleshoot or resolve this case
If someone can help...
March 11th, 2011 6:37am
Can you take a look on this link please?
Let us know if this solve your issue.
Have a nice day!Netanel Ben-Shushan, MCSA/E, MCTS, MCITP, Windows Expert-IT Pro MVP. IT Consultant & Trainer | Website (Hebrew): | IT Services: | Weblog (Hebrew):
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March 12th, 2011 3:49am
Post the application log event id 2080.Gulab | MCTS-MCITP Messaging: 2010 | MCTS-MCITP Messaging: 2007 | MCC 2011 | Skype: Gulab.Mallah
March 14th, 2011 4:19am
Hi Velfir,
What the version you are using for Exchaneg 2007 ?
Did you try to increase ServicesPipeTimeout value for MSExchange Information store and start service ?
Please have a look of below KB.
Exchange Server 2007 managed code services do not start after you install an update rollup for Exchange Server 2007:
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March 14th, 2011 1:09pm
Hi velfir,
Any update for your issue?
Above gave some good information, please test that.
use ADSIEdit.msc to drill down to the new recipeint policy
------CN=Microsoft Exchange
---------CN=Recipient Policies
On the right hand side select CN=<Default Policy>
1) Right Click, select Properties
-In the attributes column select, "purportedSearch"
-Verify that the value is: (mailnickname=*)
2)In the attributes column select, "msExchPolicyOrder"
-Verify that the value is: 2147483647
GavinPlease remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
March 17th, 2011 3:50am
I agree with Gavin, and it should work, i remember i worked on the same issue year ago :)
Cheers,Gulab | MCTS-MCITP Messaging: 2010 | MCTS-MCITP Messaging: 2007 | MCC 2011 | Skype: Gulab.Mallah
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
March 17th, 2011 4:47am
Hi all,
Sorry just went back from holidays, the snow was great :)
Back to work now, and first of all thanks to all the contributors...
About the recipient policy everything is ok, i have this item with all the good attributes. However i will check the permission issues specified in your link netanel...I will do it on thursday
The version i'm working with is exchange 2007 SP3 on Windows 2008 R2 (i've not installed the sp1 for the OS)
To avoid false trail here what i've checked :
The X400 recipient policy is fine with its attributes
The read permission is ok for authenticated users on the domain container
The read permission is ok for authenticated users on the configuration container
The read permission is ok for everyone on the wellknown container
The organization name do not contain unauthorized sign, the organization name is SIEGE
The groups created during the prepareAD step are here and all Ex2007 servers are in
The AD seems ok, i've checked all the DCs with dcdiag
The replications between DC seems ok i've checked it with repadmin
The DNS seems ok too
The cluster MSCS seems ok, i can switch default ressources (cluster IP and Name) and disk from one node to the other.
So i don't know where to dig to find the solution of this issue...Will accpet gladly any idea
March 20th, 2011 5:10pm