Hi Bigtecak,
As Jim said what you are asking can't be done. However a Room List
would be somewhat closer to what you are looking for.
You can combine multiple rooms in a spl distribution list, that would allow you to find the rooms in a group. The booking policy etc. remains independent. But to can easily club\list them together to quickly check on the availability. The naming can be wisely
set to make the users aware that these rooms are part of a big room.
Get a Room! Enable Room Finder with Room List Distribution Groups
#Create Room List Distribution Groups
New-DistributionGroup -Name Bldg_HUB -DisplayName "Student Union Building Conf Rooms" PrimarySmtpAddress Bldg_HUB@contoso.edu RoomList
#Add existing Room Mailboxes to Room List Distribution Groups
Add-DistributionGroupMember Identity Bldg_HUB -Member Room_HUB1001
Add-DistributionGroupMember Identity Bldg_HUB -Member Room_HUB1002
Create a Room List Distribution Group:
Using Room List Distribution Group In Exchange 2010: