NTBACKUP/Catelog51 Log files
Is it necessary to keep all these files. They are taking up a lot of space, can I delete all but the latest log file? There are currently almost 400 log files dating back to early 2009. The latest is 6/22/2010.
June 22nd, 2010 5:29pm
No, they are not necessary. The catalog files in catalog51 folder contains the paths of the your existing backup files. With the these files, you can easily
perform a restore tasks by using NTbackup:
1. Run NTbackup in Advanced mode.
2. In 'Restore and Manage Media' tab, you can find all the backup sets. This feature is based on the catalog51 log files.
So after deleting these log files, the backup catalog information will aslo be removed from 'Restore and Manage Media' tab. You have to manually browse to backup file and then restore
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June 23rd, 2010 11:37am
Thanks Thomas you were a big help.
Would you happen to know if the "$uninstallKBxxxxxx$" and "$hf_mig$" folders that accumulate in the Windows folder should be kept?
There seem to be hundreds of these folders dating from 2007 to present and they are 10-20MB each and are now taking up quite a bit of space. May I delete these or at least the ones from 2007 thru 2009?
Thanks, Bill
June 23rd, 2010 3:52pm