Need .pst recovery
Anyone has REAL experience with any good .pst recovery apps? Please dont just respond with links, I have already been through most of them.....

Some thoughts on professional paid service would be nice too.
July 29th, 2015 7:54am

Hello Owen,

The forum is for developer. So, I'd recommend asking non-programming questions on the Outlook IT Pro Discussions or Microsoft Community forums instead. There you will find a lot of existing similar forums threads without creating a new one. 

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
July 29th, 2015 8:10am


After searching over the internet, I found some brands which deals in data recovery realm which are SysTools, PCVITA, Recovery Tools, Kernel, etc. I did not run any of them, except SysTools. I had experience of SysTools softwares and behalf of that experience I would like to recommend it. It would be much better to look up at the review of this tool so you could get the unbiased review of software.

See here:

Note: Run its demo version before purchasing.

Thanks & Regards

Clark Kent

July 30th, 2015 2:01am

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