Need Assistance on Access Violation
I have checked the Microsoft website and I can't seem to find anything that might help me. I received an Access Violation message which said: "Access violation at 0X024CAB04 (tried to read from 0X0127400), program terminated." This message came up once I attempted to open the game to play. I downloaded a game before this with no problem, and downloaded another after it, also with no problem. I spoke with someone else who downloaded the game and is having no problem opening it. Is there anything I can do to correct this? It's just very strange that it is only happening on this one game. Thanks!
March 29th, 2008 4:56am

This is an Exchange forum. You will have better luck if you post this question to a forum related to the software that you are trying to use.
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March 31st, 2008 7:50pm

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