Need help setting up new DNS Server
I have an old Windows 2000 Server that I am trying to retire. It served as DNS, DHCP, and it is a domain controller.
I have a new Windows 2003 Server that is setup as a DC, DNS and DHCP. I have made the new server the global catalog server, and moved all FMSO roles to the new server.
All on the network computers are using the new server for DNS.
I haven't run dcpromo yet on the old server, because it has some issues and I'm afraid that if I run into network problems after I demote it I might not be able to get it back up and running.
I have tried to stop the DNS service and within 20 minutes all websites (intranet and internet) break. When I run an ipconfig /all on the workstations DNS is pointing to the new server. I'm completely at a loss. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
March 5th, 2008 5:43pm