Need help with explaining administrative costs of email
I've been fighting with management about the administrative costs of managing email. We have users that have thousands of emails, attachments, etc. that are years old, unread, etc. that we are backing up and replicating for disaster recovery. I know there are tools to help manage Exchange. What I need is some document or article that discussess the administrative costs associated with keeping so much emails. Some of our people have mailboxes that are approaching or over 10GB in size! This is stupid. We could help them archive off the mailserver but they don't think it's a big deal keeping it on the mail server. They don't understand the costs involved.
Any help would be appreciated.
July 24th, 2007 12:12am
Without digging deep, there are some reports EMC has put together trying to sell their Email Extender product.
They make you register to get them, but they are okay docs.
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July 24th, 2007 7:30pm