I'm hoping you can help. Here's the situation that I'm trying to solve via formula:
I have a list of specialties in column E of Sheet 1. In column F, I need to designate whether this specialty in column is is group 1 or group 2. Groups are designated on the SpecialistTable sheet with the headers of Group 1 (columnA) and Group 2 (column
Here's my theoretical formula written out here for all to critique.
In Cell F2, write "Specialist" if E2 is found in column A of SpecialistTable Sheet; write "Specialist 2" if E2 is found in Column B of SpecialistTable Sheet; write "Other" if E2 is not found at all.
I've been trying to use a combination of IF and IFERROR and Vlookup but to no avail. A simple nested IF doesn't seem to work.
One last note, I need this to run as a part of a macro initially, but also need Sheet 1 to reflect changes/additions to the Specialist table after the macro has run.
I'm glad to clarify if you have questions.
Thanks for your time,
Beth Singley