New-MailboxSearch for all items creates confirmation prompt

I've tried these two variations of the New-MailboxSearch command, but create a prompt I can't seem to suppress.


New-365MailboxSearch-Name$iphName-SourceMailboxes$DisabledMailbox.PrimarySMTPAddress -InPlaceHoldEnabled$true-ItemHoldPeriodUnlimited-EstimateOnly-Confirm:$false


New-365MailboxSearch -Name $iphName -SourceMailboxes $DisabledMailbox.PrimarySMTPAddress -InPlaceHoldEnabled $true -ItemHoldPeriod Unlimited -EstimateOnly -Confirm: $false -Force


An empty search will return all items in the source mailbox. If you don't want to copy all the items from the source mailbox, specify additional parameters to narrow the search.

Any thoughts?

June 5th, 2015 4:51pm

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