New 2007 install
Hello Everyone,
I am installing asecond Exchange 2007 Server on my domain for replication. I am creating a replica of my primary Exchange server with the Hub trans, CAS, mailbox and UC roles. I do not want to run a cluster beacuse I have third party software that will cut the server over if there are any issues with the primary. I have made it throught all the readiness checks but when the actual roles start to install, I getthe following error
Summary: 4 item(s). 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Hub Transport RoleFailed
Error:An error occurred. The error code was 3221685946. The message was The RPC server is unavailable..
Elapsed Time: 00:01:01
Also I looked at the setup logs and found this error
[2/26/2008 3:55:45 PM] [2] ScUserDNFromLoginName (f:\08.01.024\sources\dev\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:1439) Error code 0XC00706BA (1722): The RPC server is unavailable.
Has anyoneseen this?? Any help would be greatly appreciated...
February 27th, 2008 12:35am
I also meet that,please help!Regards,Ngo
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October 3rd, 2008 8:39pm
Error logs of above issue:-----[10/3/2008 1:12:47 PM] [2] attribute 614 = 'Version 8.0 (Build 30685.24)'[10/3/2008 1:12:47 PM] [2] writing object[10/3/2008 1:12:47 PM] [2] Leaving ScSetServerVersion[10/3/2008 1:12:47 PM] [2] Entering ScSetServerNetworkAddresses[10/3/2008 1:12:47 PM] [2] Entering ScGetServerDNSNameFromDS[10/3/2008 1:13:00 PM] [2] ScUserDNFromLoginName (f:\08.00.0685\sources\dev\admin\src\libs\exsetup\exmisc.cxx:1439) Error code 0XC00706BA (1722): The RPC server is unavailable.[10/3/2008 1:13:00 PM] [2] ScGetServerDNSNameFromDS (f:\08.00.0685\sources\dev\admin\src\libs\exsetup\dsmisc.cxx:3480) Error code 0XC00706BA (1722): The RPC server is unavailable.[10/3/2008 1:13:00 PM] [2] Leaving ScGetServerDNSNameFromDS[10/3/2008 1:13:00 PM] [2] ScSetServerNetworkAddresses (f:\08.00.0685\sources\dev\admin\src\udog\excommon\ptudutil.cxx:1023) Error code 0XC00706BA (1722): The RPC server is unavailable.[10/3/2008 1:13:00 PM] [2] Leaving ScSetServerNetworkAddresses[10/3/2008 1:13:00 PM] [2] CAtomServer:cAddOrRefreshDSObjects (f:\08.00.0685\sources\dev\admin\src\udog\exsetdata\components\server\a_server.cxx:303) Error code 0XC00706BA (1722): The RPC server is unavailable.[10/3/2008 1:13:00 PM] [2] CAtomServer:cAddDSObjects (f:\08.00.0685\sources\dev\admin\src\udog\exsetdata\components\server\a_server.cxx:336) Error code 0XC00706BA (1722): The RPC server is unavailable.[10/3/2008 1:13:00 PM] [2] CBaseAtom:cAdd (f:\08.00.0685\sources\dev\admin\src\udog\setupbase\basecomp\baseatom.cxx:639) Error code 0XC00706BA (1722): The RPC server is unavailable.[10/3/2008 1:13:00 PM] [2] Leaving CBaseAtom(Microsoft Exchange Server-Level Objects):cAdd[10/3/2008 1:13:00 PM] [2] Service = '' CBaseServiceAtom:cAdd (f:\08.00.0685\sources\dev\admin\src\udog\setupbase\basecomp\basesvcatom.cxx:203) Error code 0XC00706BA (1722): The RPC server is unavailable.[10/3/2008 1:13:00 PM] [2] Leaving CBaseServiceAtom(Microsoft Exchange Server-Level Objects):cAdd[10/3/2008 1:13:00 PM] [2] CAtomServer:cAdd (f:\08.00.0685\sources\dev\admin\src\udog\exsetdata\components\server\a_server.cxx:142) Error code 0XC00706BA (1722): The RPC server is unavailable.[10/3/2008 1:13:00 PM] [2] Leaving CAtomServer:cAdd[10/3/2008 1:13:00 PM] [2] mode = 'Install' (61953) CBaseAtom:cSetup (f:\08.00.0685\sources\dev\admin\src\udog\setupbase\basecomp\baseatom.cxx:535) Error code 0XC00706BA (1722): The RPC server is unavailable.[10/3/2008 1:13:00 PM] [2] ScSetupAtom (f:\08.00.0685\sources\dev\admin\src\udog\exsetdata\exsetds.cxx:889) Error code 0XC00706BA (1722): The RPC server is unavailable.[10/3/2008 1:13:00 PM] [2] Leaving ScSetupAtom[10/3/2008 1:13:00 PM] [2] [ERROR] An error occurred. error code was 3221685946 message was The RPC server is unavailable.."[10/3/2008 1:13:01 PM] [1] The following 1 error(s) occurred during task execution:[10/3/2008 1:13:01 PM] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: An error occurred. error code was 3221685946 message was The RPC server is unavailable.."[10/3/2008 1:13:01 PM] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Deployment.ExsetdataException: An error occurred. error code was 3221685946 message was The RPC server is unavailable.."[10/3/2008 1:13:01 PM] [1] [ERROR] An error occurred. error code was 3221685946 message was The RPC server is unavailable.."[10/3/2008 1:13:01 PM] [1] Setup is halting task execution because of one or more errors in a critical task.[10/3/2008 1:13:01 PM] [1] Finished executing component tasks.[10/3/2008 1:13:01 PM] [1] Ending processing.[10/3/2008 1:16:16 PM] [0] End of Setup
October 3rd, 2008 8:44pm
Hi,I found root cause.Before, i have joined UM 2007 to AD with name difference with current. So, in DNS we have 2 record of the same UM 2007 server, so it do not know which one for rpc.So, let delete all and let only 1 for name of UM 2007 currently in DNS.Fun,-LN
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October 3rd, 2008 10:28pm