New Ex2k7 setup - CCR and NLB
I am planning to migrate my single Ex2k3 box into a Ex2007 enviroment. As i Only have one server, I was planning to setup CCR and NLB.
I'm just a little confused about what can be clustered and not. As far as I've read, CCR can onlye be deployed in servers with mailbox role as the only role. That's fine by me, but the other roles?
We use OWA a lot and if I understand it right, the CAS server could be in a NLB cluster in order to get high availability, or is it just for load balancing? I have no experience with NLB, but I guess that I'll make it work.
So if put the Mailbox servers in a CCR and the CAS servers in a NLB, what about the rest of the roles? Can the Hub role also be on the same server as the CAS and then I can put them in a NLB?
The goal is to be able to do maintance on a member node during officehoursand get high availability on all of the roles.
April 23rd, 2008 10:48pm
You have only one server and you want to use CCR and NLB ???
If you plan to use CCR you can only have the mailbox role installed on the servers.
CAS and HUB roles can be installed on network load balanced servers (and the roles can be installed on the same servers).
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April 24th, 2008 12:15am
Yes, I only have one server at the moment, but would like to upscale to 1 mailbox cluster + 1 NLB with both the Hub and CAS, just to provide higher availability.
After spendning some hours reading articles, I've found that both roles (Hub and CAS) can be installed on NLB. Thanks anyway
April 24th, 2008 2:17am