New mail contacts don't show up in OAB
New Email contacts we create aren't showing up in our offline address book. We are running Exchange 2007 and the mailbox servers are using CCR. Regular new Exchange mailbox accounts show up just fine in the OAB, just not mail contacts. Any suggestions?
August 30th, 2011 2:24pm

Is it possible that these contacts only have an SMTP address in AD and is not mail enabled in Exchange ? any errors in the eventlog when the server generates the OAB files? lasse at humandata dot se,
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August 30th, 2011 2:37pm

Lasse, These contacts were created in Exchange as Mail Contacts and the problem only occurs for users in cached mode. Users not using cached mode or the offline address book can see the listings and send email to them without a problem. Here is an error that occurs right around the time the OAB is generated each day: OALGen encountered error 8004010f (internal ID 501080c) accessing the public folder store while generating the offline address list for address list '\Global Address List'. - Default Offline Address List
August 30th, 2011 2:57pm

run Get-OfflineAddressBook | fl and post the result. Do you have a Public folders store available for the server generating the OAB? It looks like the generating server cannot reach the PF holding the OAB folder. lasse at humandata dot se,
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August 30th, 2011 3:06pm

[PS] H:\>get-offlineaddressbook | fl Server : SERVERNAME AddressLists : {\Default Global Address List} Versions : {Version2, Version3, Version4} IsDefault : True PublicFolderDatabase : SERVERNAME\Second Storage Group\Public Folder Database PublicFolderDistributionEnabled : True WebDistributionEnabled : False DiffRetentionPeriod : Schedule : {Sun.6:00 AM-Sun.6:15 AM, Mon.6:00 AM-Mon.6:1 5 AM, Tue.6:00 AM-Tue.6:15 AM, Wed.6:00 AM-We d.6:15 AM, Thu.6:00 AM-Thu.6:15 AM, Fri.6:00 AM-Fri.6:15 AM, Sat.6:00 AM-Sat.6:15 AM} VirtualDirectories : {} ExchangeVersion : 0.0 (6.5.6500.0) AdminDisplayName : Name : Default Offline Address List DistinguishedName : CN=Default Offline Address List,CN=Offline Ad dress Lists,CN=Address Lists Container,CN= ORGANIZATIONNAME,CN=Microsoft Exchan ge,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=DOMAIN ,DC=com Identity : \Default Offline Address List Guid : ad2a6b81-7860-4a57-a727-1899b1e7f2c4 ObjectCategory : DOMAINNAME/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exch- OAB ObjectClass : {top, msExchOAB} WhenChanged : 8/30/2011 12:45:55 PM WhenCreated : 11/16/2001 1:11:38 PM OriginatingServer : DOMAINCONTROLLERNAME IsValid : True Server : SERVERNAME AddressLists : {\Default Global Address List} Versions : {Version4} IsDefault : False PublicFolderDatabase : SERVERNAME\Second Storage Group\Public Folder Database PublicFolderDistributionEnabled : True WebDistributionEnabled : True DiffRetentionPeriod : 30 Schedule : {Sun.5:00 AM-Sun.5:15 AM, Mon.5:00 AM-Mon.5:1 5 AM, Tue.5:00 AM-Tue.5:15 AM, Wed.5:00 AM-We d.5:15 AM, Thu.5:00 AM-Thu.5:15 AM, Fri.5:00 AM-Fri.5:15 AM, Sat.5:00 AM-Sat.5:15 AM} VirtualDirectories : {CLIENTACCESSSERVER\OAB (Default Web Site)} ExchangeVersion : 0.1 (8.0.535.0) AdminDisplayName : Name : Offline Address Book DistinguishedName : CN=Offline Address Book,CN=Offline Address Li sts,CN=Address Lists Container,CN=ORGANIZATIONNAME ,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Se rvices,CN=Configuration,DC=DOMAIN,DC=com Identity : \Offline Address Book Guid : 188109be-c268-40b5-a0c3-3fad813edded ObjectCategory : DOMAIN/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exch- OAB ObjectClass : {top, msExchOAB} WhenChanged : 8/30/2011 12:45:55 PM WhenCreated : 9/19/2007 1:34:16 PM OriginatingServer : DOMAINCONTROLLERNAME IsValid : True
August 30th, 2011 3:18pm

I see you two offline address lists. Any reason for this? since the generating server cannot access the PF store. make suer that the store configured is available. You can try to hange the configuration of the OAB and PF distribution. also one of the OAB is published only to PF and the otherone is published both to PF and web. Is this on purpose? Perhaps users is downloading incorrect one? what PF is set on the database object ? lasse at humandata dot se,
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August 30th, 2011 3:34pm

I was able to figure out the problem. It seems the error message in the event log was referring to the address book we weren't using so we really needed to only have one. What actually solved my problem though is taking a look at the contact in Active Directory and comparing it with the contact listed in Exchange. The SMTP addresses didn't match because we previously had to change the user's email address and updating the Active Directory record did NOT update the Exchange record. From now on we need to apply all email contact updates in Exchange and not Active Directory because otherwise the email address didn't update. Once these email addresses were the same in both places the contact showed up in the OAB.
August 30th, 2011 3:58pm

Hi GWsysadmin, Thanks for sharing. Frank Wang Forum Support Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
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September 3rd, 2011 4:40am

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