Not able to delete emails from Shared mailbox

Hello Team,

I have a mailbox which is shared. User A is having access on that mailbox.
I have added That mailbox as additional Mailbox. when i click on delete button or right click delete i am not able to delete that messages and from any folder.
I have configured User A profile on multiple system and in each and every system i am not able to delete emails
I am using O365 business plan and my Outlook is professional plus with latest update
I removed the mailbox which is shared and added that account as Multi Ex so i am able to delete it
I am running scripts in background so i dont want to add that mailbox as Multi Ex(By going into account settings and adding new email with credentials)
I have given full access to User A on that mailbox on the portal. I removed the access and then re added the access and then also i am not able to delete emails
I have tried safe mode
I have tried online mode
I have tried cached mode 
I have tried Right clicking folder for example Inbox and given User A as owner permission from outlook.
I have done the same method of giving permission from OWA
If i open Mailbox in OWA by logging in Using User A and then clicking another user's mailbox and opening mailbox which is shared and i am able to delete emails there.

April 29th, 2015 8:01pm


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