Number of mailboxes in database
Running Exchange 2007, but I can't find out an easy way to do this! All I want to know is the number of mailboxes in a given database (e.g. MBXSVR1-IS1).
Does anyone know how?!!
April 13th, 2011 3:23pm
You have to chain the commands:
get-mailboxdatabase server\database | get-mailboxstatistics |measure-object
Simon.Simon Butler, Exchange MVP
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April 13th, 2011 4:15pm
Total # of Mailboxes in your organization: Get-Mailbox | Measure-Object
Total # of Mailboxes in a particular server: Get-Mailbox –Server servername | Measure-Object
Total # of Mailboxes in a specific database: Get-Mailbox –database dbname | Measure-ObjectTroy Werelius
April 13th, 2011 11:36pm