O365 - Clcik to Run - Deploy License


I managed by scripting, to uninstall our actual Office installation and install using Click to run, O365 in our computers.

The thing is, after this, the first time the user opens any office app, is asked for the license number.

Is there are way, maybe by registry, to deploy the serial number, so, when the user open office for the first time, it activates auttomatically?


September 8th, 2015 8:22am


Office 365 is activated by using Office 365 account/password. Every account/password is different, thus, we can't add them via registry.

Please use this method:  Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS), it will help us to synchronize Active Directory User Account Information to Office 365. While federation eliminates the need to send passwords between Active
Directory and Office 365, it still requires synchronizing the user accounts of each. You can perform this synchronization manually, adding Office 365 users that match each Active Directory user account.

Then, Office 365 does not need to enter the account when user opens any office app.




Hope it's helpful.


George Zhao
TechNet Community Support

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September 8th, 2015 11:02pm

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