OAB move
In the process of removing the Legacy 2003 server from our 2007 org.I have moved all public folders using the move replicas option and moved the public folder heiarchy to the 2007 server. We are using the public folder option for OAB. The OAB folders exixt on the 2007 server with no replicas listed but itself.I moved the offline address book to the 2007 server, but when I run this command: get-offlineaddressbook | fl I get the results below. What concerns me is the PublicFolderDataBase is listed as the 2003 server (LSOBX01). Does this mean that server is still being used?PS] C:\Windows\System32>get-offlineaddressbook | fl
Server : ASISTKEX1AddressLists : {Default Global Address List}Versions : {Version2, Version3, Version4}IsDefault : TruePublicFolderDatabase : LSOBX01\First Storage Group\Public Folder re (LSOBX01)PublicFolderDistributionEnabled : True
March 3rd, 2010 8:34pm
Yes this means that old ex2003 srver is still being used.
You can try to change this settings, i.e. OAB list the Public Folder database of the containing server which is Ex2007. ( I only have single server otherwise would have tested it)
In EMC Goto
"Organization Config->Mailbox" then selecting the "Offline Address Book" tab and then the properties of the OAB you want to modify. Then goto "Distribution" tab and uncheck the checkbox "Enable Public folder distribution". Remember that to uncheck this option u will have to also uncheck top two checkboxes related to Outlook 20023 and 98.
After this run the above ps command again to see whether it list the pf db. Then again enable the checkbox "Enable Public folder distribution" and see whether it lists the PF DB of the containing Ex2007 server. I would recommend that you test it all during non-production hours.
Regards,Laeeq Qazi|Team Lead(Exchange + Sharepoint + BES + DynamicsCRM)
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March 3rd, 2010 10:36pm
Hi,You can also refer to the similar thread as below link to work on this issue:http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/exchangesvrdeploy/thread/b1570f27-32cb-4843-ae14-47232cc7cf9a/ThanksAllen
March 8th, 2010 12:44pm