OWA 2003/2007
Environment: 1 Exchange 2003, 1 Exchange 2007 (Mailbox/Hub Transport), 1 Exchange 2007 (CAS).I just installed the two Exchange 2007 servers. Everything works fine except one issue with OWA. When a user whose mailbox is on the 2007 sever accesses the 2003 OWA logon site and attempts to logon they receive a Unabble to Display Web Page error. I installed the CAS on a separate server so I would get the ability to redirect the 2007 users to the 2007 OWA logon site from the 2003 site. This worked fine in earlier in my lab, but not working for production.This is the URL in the address fieldon the error page. https://mail.mydomain/exchweb/bin/auth/owaauth.dllAny ideas?Thanks
March 8th, 2009 7:58pm
Hi,This is not supported, OWA 2007 can be used to access mailboxes on both 2003 and 2007 buth OWA 2003 can only be used to access a mailbox on an Exchange 2003 server.Regards,Johanblog: www.johanveldhuis.nl
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March 9th, 2009 12:48am
I'm not sure why its wroking in my lab then. It doesn't take you all the way into the mailbox, it simply redirects you to 2007 OWA logon.thanks
March 9th, 2009 3:29am
Odd,When accessing a mailbox on 03 using a FE 03 serverit will work with only 2003. If you use a 2007 CAS server and specify /exchange at the end of the URL it will take you to the 03 Backend if the user has a mailbox on 2003. If you are logging into a user who has a mailbox on 2007 and specify a /exchange it willredirect you to OWA and send you to the 07 backend.a FE 2003 server is not compatible with 2007 mailboxes. Is it possible in your lab that you are using your 2003 Front End SErver to access a 2003 mailbox? BP
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March 9th, 2009 4:50pm
"Is it possible in your lab that you are using your 2003 Front End SErver to access a 2003 mailbox?"No. In my lab if I access the2003 url and enter crentials of a user on Exchange 2007, it redirects me to the Exchange 2007 url/owa.
March 9th, 2009 6:26pm
How about DNS in your lab vs production? Are you certain you are hiting the Exchange 2007 CAS in prod? The CAS should redirect to exchange 2003 when you are going to https://url.com/exchangeThe CAS will also redirect to Exchange 2007 when you are using https://url.com/exchangeHowever, this is not true when using https://url.com/owa, using owa will only take you to Exchange 2007. You may need to create redirects or modify redirects in your enviornment? BP
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March 9th, 2009 6:28pm
Everything you have stated is working.Currently we have 2 urls for OWA.mail.mydomain.com (which connects you to OWA on the Exchange 2003 box)owa.mydomain.com (which connects you to OWA on the Exchange 2007)In the lab a 2007 user connects to mail.mydomain.com and enters credentials, that user will be redirected to owa.mydomain.com. Not so in prod.The intended goal here is to slowly migrate users off of 2003 and while we are doing that everyone will continue to use mail.mydomain.com to hit OWA. The 2007 users would just be redirected to the 2007 OWA logon. That's how it works in the lab. I'm a bit nervous now about the state of things if this is not supposed to work that way.Lab and Production are identical except for one thing. and that is .NET Famework SP1 which is in production only.
March 9th, 2009 7:07pm
In a coexistance scenario which it sounds like you are doing, users should go to the CAS 2007 server for both OWA and Exchange. The should point to the mail.mydomain.com to the CAS 2007 server.I'll bet you that this will solve your problem.Don't forget to point all your security certificates for mail.mydomain.com to the CAS 2007 server by doing an import-cert and enable-cert iis,imap,popThat will take care of your problem and is the best way to do a 2003 to 2007 migration with coexistance. ;)BP
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March 10th, 2009 3:17am
Thanks for your help.
I want to go in this direction. We will tell EVERYONE there is a new URL for Outlook Web.According to the documnetation I should be able to point everyone at owa.mydomain.com/exchange and the 2007 users should be able to logon normally and the 2003 users will be redirected to the 2003 logon.It works one way. The 2003 users are taken to 2003 logon, but the 2007 users get 403 access denied errors.It works both ways if I go directly to each link (https://servername/exchange and https://servername/owaJust how would I set it up for everyone would be directed to owa.mydomain.com/exchange.Currently, I have a custom error page (403.4) on the Default web page that redirects to owa.mydomain.com/exchange. This works but I but I get the one way results, mentioned above, when logging on.Any suggestions?BTW .NET Framework sp1 is what killed production from working as my lab does. Have you installed it?Thanks again
March 11th, 2009 12:42am
Interesting on the .NET Framework sp1, was it the 3.5 sp1 patch? i'm actully having an issue going from CAS 07 to MBX07.....Anyway, as for you, have you configured your external and interal URL? If you go to the CAS server in EMC and right click owa you can configure your URL's, also the security certificate may be another piece of the puzzle. You should be able to use your old URL and just point that to the CAS server instead of telling everyone there is a new url.You have one CAS server in your environment, did you confirm that it is in the Exchange Servers group? Is there anything in the event logs or IIS logs saying that authentication failed etc?BP
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March 11th, 2009 4:43pm
KB953595 is the update.Whatexactly does configuring the internal and external urls do fo you. I've played with it, but I can never see it making any difference.When you say point the old url towards the CAS., what excatly do you mean?I don't think I'll be able to that anyway because mail.mydomain.com is also our current mx record. That is why I wanted to go the opposite way of pointining everyone towards owa.mydomain.com/exchange even the 2007 users.Nothing in the event logs.All servers are in the Exchange Servers group.
March 11th, 2009 10:05pm
the internal and external URLS allows OWA to recongize the header of the web site. You can change your MX records and A records to point to the Hub Transport servers. They should route mail to the proper mailbox user. You can test this by doing a telnet to the Hub serve ron port 25. You can follow this article on testing mail flow: http://exchange.mvps.org/smtp_frames.htm once you put in the to field that user should receive an email, if they do you know mail routing between 07 to 03 is working. BP
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March 12th, 2009 1:04am