OWA 2010 search only goes back two weeks
I run a small exchange server about (20 mailboxes). I have some uses who only uses OWA. I notice that these users are only allowed to search for messages up to two weeks old. We can see the messages in owa, but when we do the search, the older ones are not
any help is appreciated.
March 10th, 2012 5:54am
Hi Oblivio,
Suggest you to repair and rebuild search index and check the search again.
Download the script
Repair-ExchangeSearchSymlinks.ps1 from the Script Center and copy to the Scripts directory on the Mailbox server (default installation is C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\v14\Scripts).
On the afflicted Mailbox server, open the Exchange Management Shell as
Run as Administrator. Navigate to the Exchange Scripts directory and run the following cmdlet
.\ResetSearchIndex.ps1 -force <dbname1> <dbname2> <dbname3> Substitute all the database names here.
Check for Event ID 109 when the rebuilding of the index starts for each database and an
Event ID 110 for each database when the index rebuild has completed.
Check this again Regards from www.windowsadmin.info | www.blog.windowsadmin.info
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March 10th, 2012 6:40am
Have you rebuild your search index?
How about your issue now,any update?
If the solution can fix your issue,please remember to mark as answer.
If not,please feel free to tell us.
TechNet Community Support
March 11th, 2012 10:39pm
Thank you all for you responses. Unfortunately, this made things worst. Now OWA simply gave the error "The action couldn't be completed. Please try again" .
I tried recommendations from:
I also tried Registering msfte.dll, reinstalling the search from the CD. Nothing seemed to work. Now though, I have realized that my problem might be because i have
exchange installed with /hosting because i can't even upgrade to SP2. With that said, i would not recommend anyone use this exchange with /hosting garbage nothing seems to work right and now i have to jump hoops to upgrade to SP2.
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March 30th, 2012 8:01pm