OWA Proxy problem
Hi, I ran in to a sort of inconvenience with an Exchange 07 deployment. Maybe someone here can help or confirm. Setup Site A (US) CAS Server x 2 (hardware load balanced) Hub and MailBox Server x 2 (MS Cluster) Site B (UK) CAS Server x 2 (hardware load balanced) Hub and Mailbox Server x 2 (MS Cluster) OWA settings US CAS server External https://US.domain.com Internal https://us.domain.local UK CAS server External https://uk.domain.com Internal https://uk.domain.local All servers are in one AD domain with two sites. 2 sites are connected via a 50MB/s MPLS network. UserA reside on US mailbox server UserB reside on UK mailbox server By default, if UserA try to log in from https://US.domain.com. Exchange will redirect to optimal CAS server, which is https://uk.domain.com. Vise Versa client requested use should be proxyed from either owa server. No redirection should take place. In order for OWA to proxy instead of redirect, we removed External url for both servers and enabled Integrated Security. Now this configuration works. However, our client wants a login page instead of a windows authentication box. From what I know only Forms Authentication supports login screen. Proxy will not work with form authentication and throws an error. Question is does anyone know a way around this limitation?
April 15th, 2009 9:34pm
Hi,Which brand of proxy do you use ? There are some proxies which indeed have this issue (I thought Blue Coat), I know ISA can publish a form where users can login to which in that case does single sign on to the OWA.See this document on how to configure it with ISA:http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb794751.aspxRegards,Johanblog: www.johanveldhuis.nl
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April 15th, 2009 10:43pm
Hi, I'm refering to Exchange Server 2007 CAS Proxying and Redirection. See
Understanding Proxying and Redirection
April 15th, 2009 11:44pm
Did you try by just disabling redirection for OWA and use proxying instead eventhough ExternalUrl is set. You can disable it with below command.
set-owavirtualdirectory "owa (default web site)" -RedirectToOptimalOWAServer $false
Understanding Proxying and Redirection
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb310763.aspxAmit Tank | MVP - Exchange | MCITP:EMA MCSA:M | http://ExchangeShare.WordPress.com
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April 16th, 2009 7:15am
Yes, I did try that. Proxy still require integrated security. Otherwise it just redirects the page without the notice. Thanks.
April 16th, 2009 3:18pm