OWA Single Sign on - Authentication

I have a HLB and want to have single sign on to https://mail.domain.com/owa

I have enabled windows authentication and disabled basic and digest (found in an article)

Set-OwaVirtualDirectory "EX3\owa (Default Web Site)" -BasicAuthentication $false -WindowsAuthentication $true -DigestAuthentication $false

However if I then try browsing to the site it still asks me to enter the username and password,

If I do this it says incorrect username and password (which it is not)

If I re-enable basic authentication I can get back in...

how do i get windows auth/ single sign in en

February 11th, 2015 2:37pm

Hi KingMT,

Thank you for your question.

If we want to have single sign on Exchange 2013 by owa. We could enable Window Integrated Authentication. Integrated Authentication allows domain users who are logged on to domain computers to automatically logon to OWA. However, Integrated Authentication is not suitable for remote access by people using non-domain member computers, or people who are connecting via proxy servers.

We could enable BasicAuthentication. That is to say, if we want to configure single sign on, we could enable BasicAuthentication and Window Integrated Authentication.

We could refer to the following link to configure Window Integrated Authentication:


Notice: when we complete this configuration, we must restarted IIS.

If there are any questions regarding this issue, please be free to let me know. 

Best Regard,


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February 12th, 2015 1:07am

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