OWA Users cannot access .snp attachments

One of my user complains none of the user can access or download .SNP (MS Access Snapshot File) attachments from OWA 2013. When a user clicks on the attachment they get the warning message "Access to this Attachment is blocked. Recipients may not be able to view the attachment, either."

But the same file is easily accessible from Outlook.

I have tried Set-OwaMailboxPolicy -Identity OwaMailboxPolicy-Default -AllowedFileTypes ".snp" and restarted the IIS Service but no luck!

Do I need to have Office Web App Server to be able to download these .SNP files? Is there any way around to allow such files in OWA out of the box?

June 8th, 2014 11:49pm


Look here:


Set-OwaMailboxPolicy OwaMailboxPolicy-Default -AllowedFileTypes  @{add = '.SNP'}

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June 9th, 2014 1:01am

Please check that it is only listed in correct owa policy not other place. This should work

Have you simply tried to use "default" instead of using the entire name "OwaMailboxPolicy"

Set-OwaMailboxPolicy -Identity Default -AllowedFileTypes '.doc', '.pdf'

Also run get-OwaMailboxPolicy to ensure that you have them enabled for snp. 

If nothing helps create  a new owamailboxpolicy and see the results
June 9th, 2014 1:10am

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