Thanks for your suggestions. Please fine my findings...
1.On External PC should resolve to ARR server IP.. It resolves to external Public IP address.
2.On ARR server should resolve to ARR server IP-- Yes, it does .
3.ON ARR server should resolve to CAS server IP. Yes, it does.
4.Internal and External URLs for Outlook Anywhere, OWA is updated correctly on CAS. -- I have configured both internal and external URL the same: ie https:\\ I had different but before. As we use Exchange 2013, I have
not configured Outlook Anywhere. Do I have to??
When you access from ARR server is it allowing you to login. -- No
When you access from CAS server is it allowing you to login. -- Yes
Can you access When from External PC is it allowing you to login.---No
Are you sure you don't want splitDNS and use different internal and external URLs.- I like to and I tried but it did not work for me. On External PC, I got main page and after login, it redirects to Internal server, hence fails. ie I try to browse, and typing login name and password. then for Exchange 2007 mailbox, it tries to redirect to
Thanks and looking forward to get your prompt reply..