OWA and Exchange 2007
I am in the beginning stages of testing Exchange 2007.
Currently I have a single Domain consisting of one Exchange 2003 server and one Exchange 2007(CAS,HUB,Mailbox).
they will coexist until I can migrate all mailboxes to the new server. In my DMZ I have a second server running theEdge Transport role. My dilemma is with OWA. If I understand correctly the CAS server handles OWA. I really don't want to open any holes directly to the Exchange server. ISA 2006 appears to be an option buitrequires a 3rd server. I only have about a hundred mailboxes. This seems like overkill to me. Do I even need the Edge Transport? I would love to hear suggestions from anyone who has some ideas on the proper setup for this type of environment.
February 25th, 2008 6:21pm
You don't need the edge server - the HUB transport server can be configured to handle most of the edge functions. See
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February 26th, 2008 12:52am
I would eliminate the Edge Transport server and use an ISA server in that instance. There is a powershell scriptto enable features on the Hub Transport server.
February 26th, 2008 9:10pm