Office 2013 on home and laptop computer. Home computer obvisouly external network, laptop computer is on network when at work. Exchange 2013 is setup and my desktop computer at work also has Outlook 2013 with no issues. No one else (so far) has reported any issues as well.
Activesync works, like iPhone, iPad, Windows Mail.
Outlook 2013 is just stuck in disconnected state. I deleted my mail profile on my laptop and recreated it. Autodiscover fills in all the information automatically but then I get "The name cannot be resolved. The connection to Microsoft Exchange is unavailable. Outlook must be online or connected to complete this action". With wireshark, I see the traffic going to and from the internal Exchange server but I don't know what it is since its https tls 1.2, so its all encrypted data.
If I click OK on this dialog box, I see my for the exchange server which matches the working Outlook on my desktop. What is different however is on the laptop, under mailbox it appended =SMTP: in front of my I clear this out and it still doesn't work. It eventually asks for the password and I enter it in but nothing.
On home computer with the same initial issue, since I did not delete the mail profile yet I checked outlooks connection status and I just see my one server name GUID with a status of disconnected.
On my work desktop where outlook works, when I check outlook connection status I see the first line is disconnected, but the next 30 lines with different GUID's are all "Established". I did a test autodiscover from off network (home) and on network (desktop) and no issue there, however msrca test outlook connectivity gives me an error 401 not authorized.
Any idea what to check and where to look first?