OWA problems with win2008/exch 2007 sp1
I have a newly installed exchange 2007 sp1 on a win 2008 std server (no pre-existing exchange in my company)
the DC is also a (different) win2008 std server (we also have a win2000 dc). the FSMO roles are on the win2008
1) when we go to https://web.companyA.com/owa we get the logon screen, then owa appears with place markers for the graphics, and the menu text. the emails don't appear.
I have read a few site talking about an exch03 hotfix and rights, but iis7 is *very* different then iis6 i'm lost as to where i need to look.
I did notice that win 2008 did not create a IISR_machine account, but there is a IIS_USR group (empty) do i need to create a user? what rights/etc?
if i use forms based authentications, i can't even get the logon screen to appear. i get this URL:
and a blank screen.
2) my server is authoritive for companyA.com and non-authoritive [external relay domain] for company.com (so far in my initial test this works great :-) )
I would like my users to login as username, or email.address@company.com not username@companyA.local
Any ideas?
May 2nd, 2008 6:02pm