OWA timeout issue- Diagnosing in ISA Server
Hello There,
There's an ongoing OWA idol timeout issue in my organization. I am trying dygnosing at every possible point step by step. Meanwhile, I am stuck in my ISA Server where I want to see the idol timeout settings configured, but can't. I went to ISA
Server management console, then Firewall, then the specific array (rule) where OWA is published and a direct connectivity to internet, then it's properties, and then again the listner properties, and then the forms tab. In the forms tab I see every option
is in disabled state (grayed out). And I am not able to click Advanced option in that page to derrive the timeout settings.
I have paused the rule, then tried again, but no success. Also I disabled the rule and then again done the same procedure, but still faced the same. Can you please let me know what else I could do to get the same options highlighted and accessable.
Sorry if posted in wrong group..
Thanks !!
November 21st, 2011 8:45am
Beneath is the exact window I am concern about.
Thanks !!
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November 22nd, 2011 3:41am