For the terminal server, I know I need to buy one volume license copy of Office 2013 standard for it to install on the terminal server.
If I have 10 PCs in the office and 10 terminal server users, which of the following do I need?
1. 10 x Office 2013 Home & Business for both terminal server and PCs
2. 10 x Office 2013 Home & Business for PCs and 10 x Office 2013 Standard for terminal server
3. 10 x Office 2013 Home & Business for PCs and 9 x Office 2013 Home & Business for terminal server and 1 x Office 2013 Standard for terminal server (for install)
4. 10 x Office 2013 Standard for both terminal server and PCs
For Office 2013 Home & Business, and Office 2013 Standard, how many users am I entitled to per copy?
Also, if I go with Office 365 online yearly subscription, the online version allows each user to have Office 2013 installed on up to 5 PCs including the terminal server. Is this correct?
- Edited by kungpow112 Friday, November 08, 2013 8:54 PM