Office 2013 64 bits ODBC Drivers


I installed Office 2013 Professional 64-bit in order to have available the Access and Excel ODBC 64-bit drivers. However the only one that appears available is SQL Server.

Question: I should have available the 64-bit ODBC drivers. Correct?


January 15th, 2014 6:20am

Have you installed Microsoft Access 2013 Runtime x64?

Tony Chen
TechNet Community Support

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January 16th, 2014 7:20am


My problem was related to the need to have the ODBC driver's 32 and 64-bit installed on the same machine. Because you can not have the two driver's with the same version of Office, what I did was Install Office 2013 32 bits and then Acess Runtine version 2010 64 bits.

This solved my problem.

Thanks for the help.

  • Marked as answer by SNBC PSE 1 hour 44 minutes ago
January 23rd, 2014 5:12am

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