I am in the final stages of testing our new Win 7 x64 SOE.
Office 2013 has been preinstall onto the WIM.
It is pushed out via SCCM 2012 R2.
Our issue is it appears to take office a while to active against KMS. The issue arises, as the first thing people do once logging into their new machine is open Outlook which then prompts them to activate. If they ignore it and move on Office activates itself without issue.
I have tried forcing the activation of windows embedding the command into a windows startup script (below) however that doesn't appear to work.
if exist C:\Windows\OfficeActivated.txt goto _OfficeActivatedcscript "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\ospp.vbs" /act
copy NUL C:\Windows\OfficeActivated.txt
I am either looking to force an activate that works or simply finding a while to hide the not activated message as I know it will later in its own time.
Any ideas would be great.