I've just finished migrating emails to Office 365 for the company I work for. They also have a sister company I will be migrating over shortly.
At this stage, the two companies do have people that operate in both organisations. For these individuals, having access to certain resources for both companies is desirable.
I was considering setting up multiple tenant accounts for each company but thought administration might be more complex if I were to set it up this way. This is due to the fact that certain individuals require access to shared resources.
The scenario is as follows:
* personal-mailbox@company-one.com
* accounts@company-one.com (shared)
* accounts@company-two.com (shared)
This user doesn't need their own personal mailbox in Office 365 in the second company. I can reduce cost by setting the forwarders from accounts@company-two.com to accounts@company-one.com.
At the same time, the companies are two different entities and their goals are very different. For this reason, I feel like I should separate the companies to have their own tenant account.
What are the pros and cons of creating a single tenant account with multi-domains (one for each company)?
What are the pros and cons of create mutiple tenant accounts for each company?