hello - I have configured office web app server for some reason I am not able to view the log 140,142 it just dont show me any logs -
When I preview the file I get this error message as attached.
I can view https://domain.com/hosting/discovery but not sure why I cannot preview the doc
I will really appreciate if any one can help me with this.
FarmOU :InternalURL : https://oas.mydomain.net/
ExternalURL : https://oas.mydomain.net/
AllowHTTP : True
SSLOffloaded : False
CertificateName : SYNC
EditingEnabled : True
LogLocation : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\OfficeWebApps\Data\Logs\ULS
LogRetentionInDays : 7
LogVerbosity :
Proxy :
CacheLocation : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\OfficeWebApps\Working\d
MaxMemoryCacheSizeInMB : 75
DocumentInfoCacheSize : 5000
CacheSizeInGB : 15
ClipartEnabled : False
TranslationEnabled : False
MaxTranslationCharacterCount : 125000
TranslationServiceAppId :
TranslationServiceAddress :
RenderingLocalCacheLocation : C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\OfficeWebApps\Working\waccache
RecycleActiveProcessCount : 5
AllowCEIP : False
ExcelRequestDurationMax : 300
ExcelSessionTimeout : 450
ExcelWorkbookSizeMax : 10
ExcelPrivateBytesMax : -1
ExcelConnectionLifetime : 1800
ExcelExternalDataCacheLifetime : 300
ExcelAllowExternalData : True
ExcelWarnOnDataRefresh : True
OpenFromUrlEnabled : False
OpenFromUncEnabled : True
OpenFromUrlThrottlingEnabled : True
PicturePasteDisabled : True
RemovePersonalInformationFromLogs : False
AllowHttpSecureStoreConnections : False
Machines : {OAS}